The Hounds

The Hounds
The sad news is that Rainy, Guinness, and Diva have all gone to the Bridge. Helping out now are Charley and Perry.

Monday, November 13, 2017

A new post...for no one

I don't really use this much and I don't seem to have the time to work this to it's fullest potential. I should work on that.  It seems now we have added a new helper, Captain Bob, a galgo from Spain (FBM), who is a character all unto himself.

This was from Halloween 2016, and a piece of chicken had him staring at the camera. Perfect!
For now that is it.  Check back in another year for more. :D

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I am back...after a long and arduous search for my log in.

I'm back and I don't know for how long. I hope to start using this for my photography, but I may create a new one. We shall see how things go. It's been several years since I was here, and then it was only for classwork. Now that's completed, I will dust off this old blog and use it for something. Stay tuned for more to follow.
This is Perry, a new addition to our hound family. He is a Galgo Espanol (Spanish Greyhound) who was rescued from Spain via BassGalgo and SAGE (Save a Galgo Espanol). I won't go into the atrocities that go on in Spain and what happens to too many hounds after the hunting season is completed. I'll just say it's not pretty.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

George Wythe Home - Williamsburg VA

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

My First Podcast! 10 Things Help Desk Techs Can Do

I recorded a podcast using Audacity (a very cool tool) based off an article from TechRepublic by the same name. It's a brief synopsis of this article and last about seven minutes.

Click here to hear the podcast or you can go directly to podbean to hear it:


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Another blog for class - Call Center Management

 call center image

Call Center Mangement: 

 Avoid Customer Service FAIL!

I am to create another blog based on the survey of items that would interest folks. Only three replied to the survey and two of the topics are almost the same. I am going to cover Customer Service Management. I am using the ICMI (International Customer Management Institute) as a material source ( I joined them after I was laid off from First Data hoping to keep my skills up.

With the holidays upon us and in full force most customer service phone centers are now at the busy season. How do you manage and prepare for this onslaught?

  1. Plan
  2. Communicate
  3. Do
  4. Learn
Planning is most important with some key points being:
  • When do we expect the calls to arrive (especially the most busy times)
  • Best and worst case scenario
Knowing when the calls will arrive is the only way to plan to have coverage. A call center can only call balance so much and if the volume is too great calls will be dropped, customers will be frustrated, and that will lead to escalated calls. Best and worst case scenarios are helpful in planning. Staffing for somewhere in between would be good, but over-staffing with the possibility of letting people go early due to low volume is a possibility.

Communication about the plan to the agents is important and getting feedback from themEdit HTML about the plan is as well. Often their will be ideas or questions about the plan that wasn't thought of that would benefit the call center. It's important to have the buy in from everyone and allow everyone to feel they have a stake in the outcome.

Do - once everyone knows the plan, has bought into how everything will work it's time to set it to work.

Learn about what went well and what can be improved after the event. Some things to consider afterwards are:
  • Was the call volume estimate close? (Why or why not?)
  • What worked and what didn't work
  • Were there any surprises (good or bad?)
  • Was staff prepared properly?
Once this information is ascertained it should be put into writing. This information will be valuable for the planning of the next call center event and should be utilized. It should also be considered a living document because once the next event is over, the new information should be compared and merged with the old so even better planning can occur.

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